Therapist & Counselor

Elise completed her Master’s in Somatic Counseling Psychology at Naropa University. She has worked with many different populations, including children, survivors of intimate partner violence and people with major mental illnesses. Elise specializes in Somatic Therapy, Attachment Theory, Weight Neutral Body-Image work, and Social Justice advocacy.

Throughout life, Elise found that all types of movement, including dancing, color guard and even just walking, had the potential of helping shift her moods and perspectives into a more positive, healthy place. She’s passionate about helping people utilize movement in whatever way feels the most fulfilling. This could look like moving in a therapy session, or simply noticing how emotions affect one’s body.

As a therapist, Elise values approaching clients with non-judgment and vulnerability, and provide a space for them to be fully themselves. Something she enjoys about this work is watching someone be able to express an emotion that has been challenging in the past. The energy and power they find in that moment can impact all aspects of their lives.

She is also passionate about social justice advocacy, and addressing how oppressive systems affect mental health. She prioritizes continuing her education about racial, gender, sexuality, weight and ability-based discrimination and works on examining her own biases. This is important in therapy, as these oppressive systems can negatively affect many clients.

In her free time, Elise enjoys hiking, dancing, crocheting and watching movies with her cat Nala.

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